Personalized medicine on a chip

Innovative solutions for better healthcare

Present health care systems need to be adapted because important ongoing and anticipated future social trends will put increasing stress on the health systems in Austria as well as in the European Union and worldwide. The aging society, globalization as well as changes related to an urban lifestyle, individualism and living alone will cause additional pressures on health services. The healthcare system is challenged further by more and more patients with multiple problems. In the traditional approach the focus lies on the treatment of diseases and not so much on the prevention or avoidance of them.

Even if prevention has come more and more into focus in recent years, the development of new and improved types of sensors for simple, preferably noninvasive and uncomplicated on-site diagnostic for prevention of diseases is required. 

The research focus of PI-SENS

It is the purpose of the COMET Project “Personalized Medicine Enabled by Intelligent Sensing Systems - PI-SENS” to contribute to addressing the rising national and international healthcare challenges. PI-SENS provides essential know-how for innovative technologies to establish a personalized health treatment and preventive care system. 


For more information visit: https://www.dpu-research-pisens.at

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Christoph Kleber
Head of Research & Development department
E-Mail: christoph.kleber@dp-uni.ac.at

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Christoph Kleber
Head of Research & Development department
E-Mail: christoph.kleber@dp-uni.ac.at

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Christoph Kleber
Head of Research & Development department
E-Mail: christoph.kleber@dp-uni.ac.at