Consecutive Medicine Program for the degree of Dr. med. univ.
This is a consecutive Bachelor’s/Master’s degree program, which graduates complete after three years of a Bachelor of Science (BSc) and another three years with the qualifying title of “Doctor medicinae universae (Dr. med. univ.)”.
Active participation of the students in the lectures, seminars, internships and exercises can be guaranteed due to the small group sizes (around 40 students per study group). Outstanding professors and lecturers, for example the Spiegel best-selling author Prof. Dr. Andreas Michalsen, Head of Immanual Krankenhaus Berlin, participated in the Medicine program at DPU.
WHS President becomes Pro-Rector of Medicine
The President of the World Health Summit (WHS), Hon.-Prof. (DPU) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel R. Pries, MD, has been full-time Pro-Rector of Medicine at Danube Private University (DPU) since 1 January 2023 and is responsible, among other things, for quality development at the Department of Medicine/Dentistry. Axel R. Pries is a German medical doctor, Professor of Physiology, former (until the end of 2022) Dean and Member of the Board of Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Medical Excellence
DPU stands for excellence in teaching, science and research, offering its students a state-of-the-art program in medicine. This is ensured by the presentation of knowledge by renowned lecturers, predominantly professors, who teach and research at a high professional level, and by practice-oriented training based on the latest methods, state-of-the-art equipment and an excellent infrastructure.
Academic Success in the Community
Students find adventure in academic life at DPU. They are both challenged and supported, and are considered partners in teaching, science and research from the very beginning. A clearly structured and streamlined study program, compact teaching, compulsory attendance and regular coaching and tutorials stimulate performance. Despite stringent academic demands, studies at DPU take place in a positive, familiar atmosphere. Mutual consideration and learning in community take the place of selfish competition. Every student who achieves the required performance at DPU always has the opportunity to complete their degree within the standard period of study.
Real-world Orientation
From the beginning of the program, the Department of Medicine/Dentistry attaches great importance to special real-world orientation. In medicine, scientific practical trainings take place in small groups in the first semester. This enables particularly intensive support and advancement for each individual.
Numerous other courses include lectures and seminars as well as internships, for example in first aid. From the first to the third semester, students are introduced to the future everyday life of a medical professional in the subject of “Professional Exploration”.
Overall Responsibility
The Medicine program at DPU aims to train physicians capable of further training in all scientific and practical fields of medicine, who exercise the medical profession on the basis of extensive competence and continuously bring new research results into the medical profession. This competence builds on well-founded knowledge and understanding of the scientific principles and methods of medicine, and allows the acquired skills and psychosocial competencies to be used in medical treatment.
Graduates should be able to
- independently place diseases and pathological processes in a functional relationship with anatomical, physiological and biochemical processes,
- make independent judgements based on their own knowledge of the basics and therapeutic options for diseases,
- empathize with the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients,
- and cope with the rapidly changing, very different requirements of the labor market in the health sector.
Hon.-Prof. (DPU) Univ.-Prof. Dr. Axel R. Pries, MD, Pro-Rector of Medicine